Sunday, November 2, 2008

Only 36 hours til voting starts

The Durham Herald-Sun reported this morning that nearly 60% of registered Durham County voters had taken advantage of early voting. That's incredible!! There have been plenty of years where the voter turnout was an abysmal 20-25% total--that is, after election day. I am keeping my fingers crossed that not only do we achieve at least 75% turnout, but that for the first time since 1976 and Jimmy Carter, North Carolina's electoral votes go to the Democratic candidate.

Will someone explain exactly why John McCain went on "Saturday Night Live" and essentially made fun of himself? Since when does this make good politics?

It was a gorgeous weekend. Arturo and I went to see the exhibit at Duke's Nasher Museum of Art, called "El Greco to Velasquez". The museum was really crowded but it was worth it to see this incredible collection. I need to find a biography of El Greco; I wonder if art historians have figured out why his portrayal of humans was so peculiarly elongated and distorted. I seem to recall there was speculation he might have had a visual defect in some way, but I can't remember exactly. Whatever it was, it still seems so modern, which is amazing since the paintings are 400 years old. One of the signs said Picasso was inspired by El Greco, and it's easy to see the transfer of artistic influence.


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