Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Catching up

Almost two weeks since my last post. Sure wish the time didn't slip by so fast!

I've seen a lot of movies in the run-up to Oscar night. So far I've been most impressed by "Doubt" and "Frost/Nixon". Incredible performances in both movies. This past Saturday night, Arturo and I went to see a show called "Souvenir", which was put on by a local acting company. It's about Florence Foster Jenkins, the infamous no-talent society opera singer from the 30's, and her hapless accompanist, the very oddly named Cosmie McMoon. The acting was really good and the story actually turned out to be quite touching and even thought-provoking. What is more lofty, anyway? Telling someone they are not only not talented but positively painful to listen to? Or letting them live out their fantasies and dreams? The actor/musician who played the pianist was quite touching when he tenderly reassured Florence that she wasn't hearing laughter after her performance of the Schubert "Ave Maria", but rather people were giggling because they were so nervous in the face of such beauty. It was sweet, and moving.

Work has been very busy, I guess it's the "new year/new deductible" rush, or something. Overall I'm still happy at UNC, and convinced that the change of jobs was a good thing. I'm certainly better paid! Got my W-2 form for the year and I even impressed myself.

My singing job on Sunday (fundraiser for the Healing Tree Foundation) went well. Arturo was very complimentary, which is always nice. But there were a few folks there like George Christie, who made a point of saying that he had heard me sing perhaps 4 times, and I keep getting better. Now, THAT was praise I can take to heart! Glenn seemed a little "off" on Sunday, especially at the beginning, but then he focused and we had some nice moments. I even managed to get through my encore number, which was "Over The Rainbow", a suicidal choice if there ever was one. I just thought it would fit with the aims of the foundation, plus I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could do it. Overall I think I acquitted myself admirably. The lady who runs the foundation wants to hire us again, for another fundraiser in April, so there's a vote of confidence.

Arturo is worried about his fast-approaching Schubert performance. I know he'll be fine but he does have to work through things in his own way. I just wish he didn't suffer so.

Went to see Adriana yesterday--she looks tired and drawn, and of course sang her usual plaint about wanting to die, why was she still alive, etc. I didn't make any effort to talk her out of it, I just listened. (All my nursing school psych professors would have been proud--it was truly reflective listening! I kept saying things like, "It sounds like you're depressed.") God save me from being so selfish and miserable when I'm her age. I know my mom is younger, but she looks and acts so vibrant now, I just don't imagine her ever being essentially different (barring catastrophe, of course). Now SHE'S my role model!

Anyway, off to the salt mines--three days in a row this week, ugh.

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